Basics of Digital Service
Tutkinto, johon opinto kuuluu Laureassa: Avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun koulutus
Koulutuksen laajuus: 2 opintopistettä
Pääasiallinen opetuskieli: englanti
Koulutuksen taso: AMK
Sijainti: Laurea Verkkokampus
Ilmoittautumistilanne: 2 / 5
Tietoa koulutuksesta
Basics of Digital Service is an online course – taking place in the Canvas working space. Content: The course consist of the following modules: • Module 1: Digital Service • Module 2: DevOps Essential
Tämä opintototeutus on tarjolla vain avoimen AMK:n opiskelijoille.
Students can collect points with weekly or biweekly assignments
Kindly notice the following carefully before registering for the study unit. This is a professional training study unit and it requires regular weekly learning effort. The student is expected to be able to schedule his work according to the schedule of the implementation. 2 credits | Total 54 hours of student learning time
Book Everything you want to know about Agile by Jamie Lynn Cooke, chapter 1 to 5 Book DevOps for Dummies by Emily Freeman, chapter 1- 2
The course is assessed on a pass-fail scale.
Arviointiasteikko: Hyväksytty/Hylätty